About Us

Self-taught but inspired by much, a love of and interest in flowers developed into a passion which found me scanning the ditches, the woods and my friends’ back yards for grasses, wildflowers and other gifts of nature. I couldn’t help it, or so it seemed, for I imagined all of these things taking some place in my designs.  
Since that time, Moss Cottage has become a venture that has drawn me closer to the garden – the need to be “in the garden” indoors or out. In 1999, we planted ourselves on a 26 acre urban rural property in Northwestern Ontario.

Garden by garden, the land surrounding our reclaimed 1929 barn began to blossom with the flowers, herbs and grasses that I adored and the flower farmer in me emerged.

Through trial and error in our zone 2b-3 gardening zone, I have come to specialize in sustainably grown (from seed to harvest) cut flowers, inspired by nature and the natural landscape which surrounds me in my daily work.  

I feel privileged to be a beekeeper and watch them hard at work throughout the growing season.  I am a regular vendor at the country market supplying fresh cut flower bunches and bouquets to awesome customers who appreciate the true natural beauty that only "locally grown" offers.  

Urban Farmchick brides and grooms continue to seek out our naturally grown flowers and I am so humbled that you allow us to be part of such an important day in your lives.