Of the "it's what you might call a Renovation" sale
As promised, I've been sorting, scouting and purging since you last visited in January and you will not be disappointed. Those of you looking for good junk to up-cycle then this is your day! We've been cleaning out the loft of the barn, the back of the barn, the garage and gardens, leaving no stone unturned. But, in the spirit of my favourite season, it's not just about all the good junk and the day has officially become . . .
"The Flower, Soap and Good Junk (festival)"
I was originally aiming for "The Flower, Soap and Honey Harvest (festival) but that begins and ends with the honeybees!
To do a little catching up, winter 2014 was a tough one on the bees. I lost all five of my hives after a long, persistently cold February. I was, of course, devastated. I love my bees and didn't realize just how much I missed their presence in and around the gardens until they were gone. Spring and no bees. Total bummer. I re-hived in June just as soon as the new hives (called nucs) were ready to be picked up from two fellow beekeepers. The gardens and yard were awash with the familiar buzzing of the honey bee once again. Unfortunately, new hives spend their first season building up in population, foraging for pollen and nectar and making honey for their use. It rarely results in extra honey for the beekeeper!
The new girls worked hard. One hive in particular proved to be very strong early in the season and some extra honey they did offer up. But not in sufficient quantity to allow me to have my Honey Harvest festival!
So, we'll just celebrate in other ways.
On the much, much brighter side, it has been an amazingly productive growing season. The flowers are stunning and very ready for harvest. We have been harvesting flowers for fresh and dried market bunches for a few weeks and are now in full harvest mode.
In the spirit of the season we love so much, you will also find lots of lovely autumn goodness. Fresh (live) Autumn planters of the unique Moss Cottage kind, bunches and bunches of flowers (fresh if mother nature continues to bless us with frost free nights ~ although there have been a few touch and go in that department), gorgeous drieds, and a stunning but limited selection of wreaths.
Handmade soaps alongside wonderful pottery and other handmade goodness.
September is the perfect time to be planting and you will find a limited but intriguing selection of perennials for the garden alongside a great selection of garden "junk".
Urban rustic kitchen linens which speak to me of harvest time, knick knacks and doodads and well, I think you get the idea. So, get the travelling shoes on, we'd love to see you. And, please help spread the word. The more the merrier!
Here's to warm autumn days and travelling shoes . . .
You can read all about Part I of our "It's what you might call a Renovation Sale" https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Urban-Farmchick/103573643060291?fref=nf
Just scroll down to January 2015 for the fb post
Photos: 1 & 2 taken by the incredibly talented Ashley Kibzey of Maria Maria Photo https://www.facebook.com/photographymariamaria?fref=ts